Monday 16 December 2013

Rough Cut

Why is a rough cut important to consider

A rough cut is important to consider because it allows you to to put your video that you have made already on to youtube and the general public can watch it and decide weather they like it or don't through the use of the Like and Dislike button at the bottom of the video, they can also give you feedback on where you went wrong and how you can improve by us putting our rough cut on to youtube it allows the general public to watch the video and comment on where we can improve as there is a comment button on the bottom of the video this allows us to make the necessary changes to make the video better and to appeal to the general public even more. The opinion of the general public matters to us a lot because we are looking to improve and want our video to be as big as a success as it can.

Why is it important to consider audience feedback

It is important to consider audience feedback because in the end of the day it is them that your trying to impress and overall it is there opinion that counts most. By us putting it on youtube allows us to get feedback from the general public's point of view we will either receive praise from them or constructive criticism or just a dislike to the video completely. By the audience commenting on what they like and don't like allows us to review what they have said and make the changes necessary to that and hopefully by the time we have made the final cut the audience will like it a whole lot more. Overall we hope to appeal to our target audience which is 

How did you receive your feedback? Youtube, Interviews?

We received our audience feedback through different media channels such as Youtube, Facebook and twitter as this is how we decided to publicise our music video as it was the most efficient way to receive feedback. We choose youtube because youtube allows us to see how many people have viewed our video. Youtube also offers a comment box at the bottom of the video where the general public can comment to say what they like or what they don't like and to say how they feel about the video and how it can be changed. Also the like and dislike button that youtube offers will allow us to know as a group weather we have created a good video or not.

What feedback did you receive?

The comments we received back as a group were;
  • "The video captured all the different aspects that you would expect to see in a dance video such as the flashbacks and fast paced editing"
  • "The video could have been improved by adding extra scenes from a club etc to emphasise the dance element further"
  • "The narrative was easy to follow and i could sympathise with the graveyard scenes"
  • "A range of different transitions could have been used to make it more complex and professional"

How will the feedback assist you with finalising your final music video?
The feedback will help us when finalising our music video because we will have taken on board what the audience have said and if they dislike a particular shot we will review it and either take it out, change it slightly or put it in a different place all according to what the particular feedback is. Overall the feedback is a good thing because it allows us to improve and for us to make the specific changes in order for the video to be well liked.


Film schedule

Why is a filming schedule important to have?

A filming schedule is important to have so you know what exactly needs to happen and when it needs to be done by. It also allows you to keep on track and lets you know weather you are running out of time or not. It allows you to predict how long you reckon each scene will take to film, this overall gives you a hint to how long its going to take. It also helps you keep to making deadlines which will help you in the future.

We did follow the filming schedule to the best we could however, due to some circumstances we did take longer to film than we originally planned due to members off the group having jobs to attend to and other various circumstances happening. Overall though this didn't hinder our progress as we made our music video within the time allocated and to the best of our ability.

·       Include your filming schedule

Risk assessment

 Why is it important to consider risks before filming?

It is important to consider risks before filming because if you don't  your characters are at risk of getting injured and could seriously hurt themselves. You need to assess the hazards if there are any during filming and take the appropriate action to prevent them happening and making sure filming is safe and able to do. It is also important you consider the places you are filming are available e.g. when we filmed at the graveyard we would not want to upset anyone by filming where there relatives have died.

The risk assessment will assist you by filming because it makes you aware of the hazards and tells you what you need to do in order to prevent them. It prevents any injuries occurring and allows filming to be done efficently and effectively.

·       Include your risk assessment   


Group digipax

·       How did your group share your ideas and designs around?

After each member of our group had completed our individual digipaxs we carefully analysed and reviewed each one to see who had the best one that fitted in with our music video and our music genre. As a group we decided that we couldn't come to an agreement because we all thought that each digipax offered something different and valuable to the group therefore, we choose the best part of everyones digipax and created a combined digipax that we thought would give us the chance of achieving the highest grade.

·       What do you like about the digipak?
      I think that our digipax is very unique and that is what i like about it. Personally i don't think you should give it all way in your front cover of what the songs going to be because i believe most people don't have a certain taste in music and that if they listen to something they like then they will either listen to it again or buy it. Therfore, with our front image i think we created and planned it perfectly because the music genre that the image gives off could be one of many e.g. House, Hip-Hop, R&B or dance this leads to the audience being intrested in it because they do not know what to expect. I think the welcome note was very well presented and well thought out because it gives an insight into why we created this music and what it means to us as a group and what it resembles.

·       How is the digipak conventional to your music genre?

      Our digipax is conventional to our music genre because it gives off an image of what the dance genre should be. You can tell this through our front cover when our artist is behind a set of Dj decks performing to a crowd that are all up on there feet dancing and going wild to the tunes that he is playing. The colours of blue and purple that we have used represent a club scene which is common in a dance video because there is normally a club scene in it. Also the dance genre has people dancing and having a good time and this is evident in our digipax through our front cover.
The digipax could have be improved more by taking more time and consideration in choosing and editing the photos to create more of a effect that gives off a vibe that they are part of the dance genre.


·       Which digipak will you submit and why?

b    Our group digipax was a group effort because unlike choosing our Magazine advert it was much harder to choose as everyone in the group offered something different and valuable in theirs. In Max's he choose two really good images that went well with the theme of our music video and the music genre. In Luke's didgipax he had a really good Cd image which was a picture of a club scene with flashing lights bouncing off each other creating a Vibe effect also the name off our group is in the background off the image. Rhiannon also had a very good front cover image which was a picture of our artist performing to a crowd going wild. The artist is behind a set of Dj decks spinning a few tracks to get the crowd going. My digipax had a very good welcome note I introduced the song and stated what the song meant to us and what it represented. Therefore, we decided to use a combination of everyone’s to create the best digipax possible. Our digipax relates to the dance genre because our front picture is an image of our artist performing to a crowd going wild. He is also wearing the colours that are connotations of the dance genre.



Group Advert Magazine

Digipax reflection

Objective: to be able to evaluate your digipak
will be able to comment on choices and decisions made during the designing process (Grade E)
will be able to comment on excellent choices and decisions made during the designing process by considering the codes and conventions in detail (Grade C)
will be able to comment on choices and decisions made by relating to the codes and conventions throughout and by reflecting on changes that are going to be made on the second draft (Grade A)

·       Do you think your digipak is conventional to your genre? Consider the colours/connotation, images, layout etc
·       Do you think your target audience will be able to build a relationship with your artist?

Evaluate each of your slides by commenting on the following:
·       What choices and decisions did you make and why?
·       Are your choices and decisions conventional to your music genre and why?
·       What could you change and why?


·       How will this draft assist you with creating your second?