Monday 25 November 2013

History of Music videos

Ways in which people can consume music videos;

  • Websites
  • Youtube
  • TV
  • Online
  • Curated and Automated playlists
  • iTunes' downloads

Music videos can be consumed in a much quicker way now than before. Whereas, in the past you would have had a long time to wait for the music video to come up due to internet speed or there not being internet at all. Before the internet was available you would have only been able to see music videos on the television. Youtube is the biggest video sharing website in the world but has only been available since 2005 therefore, is still fairly new, which further reiterates the point that it is much quicker and easier to consume a music video now than it was before.

music video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. Although the origins of music videos date back much further, they came into prominence in the 1980s, when MTV based their format around whats popular.
In 1981, the U.S. video channel MTV launched and begun an era of 24-hour-a-day music on television. With this new material, the music video would by the mid-1980s, grow to play a central role in popular music marketing. Many important acts of this period owed a great deal of their success to the skilful construction and accuracy of their videos.

YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, view and share videos. Youtube uses Adobe Flash Video and HTML5 technology to display a wide range of user-generated video content, including video clips, TV clips, and music videos, and amateur content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos. This allows the general public to easily access a music video they would like to watch however, Youtube has only been around since 2005 and there was nothing like this before for older generations of people therefore, the music video industry has developed over the years because where you could only watch music videos on the Tv before you can now watch music videos anywhere anytime as long as you have internet.

The amount of money spent on music videos has increased significantly. Since 1980 the top 45 most expensive music videos have all happened after that date which means budgets have gone up and up  significantly since then. The most expensive music video ever was Michael and Janet Jacksons song Scream which had cost 7 million dollars to make, that video was aired in 1995. Madonna has the 2nd, 3rd and 4th most expensive videos with "Die Another Day", "Express Yourself", and "Bedtime Story". Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson and Ayumi Hamasaki have appeared most times on the list with five times each.

Technology and special effects have changed significantly over the years with the use of bigger budgets, more money is being spent on the creativity of a music video. Whereas before when making a music video you would rent out  room somewhere and sing and play your music by yourself or with your brand however, this has all changed. Much more technology is available now for example Green screen is used a lot now where it wasn't before, green screen allows the artist to have a specific destination behind them without actually being there. Also the use of backing sounds is available now to make the artist sound better which also allows them to edit there music as well.

Music videos receive a lot more views now than they did before due to the fact that you can watch them online and on websites now. Before the internet was around there was no way you could watch a music video unless you watched it live or someone filmed and showed it to you. Youtube was introduced in 2005, most people watch music videos on there because it is easy access and free of charge this leads to an increased target audience for the artist because by watching the videos on youtube or the internet allows you to watch them at anytime.

Music genres have developed over the years because there is so many more genres than before. The genres that were common in the past were Hip hop, rock and R&B whereas now there is many more that have been introduced due to the different nature of artists and different preferences that the audience have. Newer genres that are around now are Dance, House and jazz. Audiences would never have heard of genres like this before because they are fairly new, due to the increase in people listening and watching music videos this has lead to the different genres because the audience want to see something new.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Magazine advert reflection

How diid you use your research into magazine adverts to start planning your own?

As our music video is from within the dance genre i looked at all the famous artists that are well known for having dance music videos e.g. David Guetta, Rhianna, Flo Rida and Calvin Harris. Therefore, i typed in each off the artists most well known dance song and typed in there magazine advert for each ones particular song. I was able to see how they promoted there video and what colour schemes and photos that they had used in order to promote their video. This inspired me and helped me paint a picture in my head of how i wanted my magazine advert to look.

What are your ideas and inspirations behind your paper design?

This was my paper design however, i decided to change it when creating my real one.

I got my idea and inspirations from looking at a magazine advert that i see on the internet. I thought because our music video was based as a couple that it would be a good idea to use the face of the main characters in our video and put them together as they did because it worked well. However, when i thought about it more by using the image of our two main characters it doesn't really represent dance genre that much therefore, changed it to a Dj playing in front of a crowd going wild. I believed that idea offered more to the audience than the image because by having the Dj within the advert at least it gives the idea of music whereas, just having an image of two people could mean anything. I got the idea of using a DJ on the magazine advert when i was analysing them and came across one from David Guetta and instantly i thought that it looked good and that it reminded me of the dance genre.

How will this help you with creating it on photoshop?

The paper design didn't help me as i decided to change my idea after i created it on paper therefore, when i was creating it on photoshop i was going from one screen to another to create the advert to the best of my ability comparing it to the one i was analysing.

Monday 18 November 2013


·       Why is it important to carry out a photoshoot, especially when creating a digipak and magazine advert?
v           It is important to carry out a photo shoot, especially when creating a digipak and magazine advert  because you can take a number of shots and pick which one you think the best is that gives you a lot of  options and you will be able to get inspirations from each one. You could even use part of one and join  it in with another one. The digipaks and magazine adverts are an important part of our coursework so it  is vital that we get the correct shots in the photo shoot otherwise it would be a waste of time.

        What images did you take and why? (Include a variety of shots that can be used)

       While our group was at a party we took various videos of myself dancing to try and get the best image possible. I then went through the videos and analysed what i thought the best shots would be. It came down to 2 or 3 shots that i could have used and had to choose which one i thought would represent the connotations of the Dance genre the best. At the start i was going to choose an image of myself at a graveyard with a bunch of flowers for my dead girlfriend however, if i put that as the front cover of my music advert it would look sad and probably wouldn't get many peoples attention or attract sales. Also the image didn't give off the effect that it was a dance song. This is when i realised the music advert should be a exciting and catch the audiences attention therefore, this is why i choose the image of me dancing with people around me.

        Where will you images be used and why? (Digipak or advert?)
           My image will be used on the music advert because as our song comes under the genre of dance and as  i have a photo of me dancing i therefore, thought it would be best to use it as the music advert. The music advert is where your going to get the audiences attention it needs to be lively and stand out from the rest if it is going to succeed. By it standing out creates attention and leads to the audience wanting to listening to the song, audiences don't want to look at bland and blunt music adverts because it wont entise them to have a look or listen to it. By the audience listening to the song generates sales for the company.

     How are your images conventional to your genre?
y    My images are conventional to the genre because the genre of my music video is dance therefore, the images of me dancing relates to my target audience because they will be able to identify with the artist.

     How do the images portray the artist and how does it appeal to your target audience?
·       Include one example of how you photoshop to create a conventional product (Include before and after images)

      The images portray the artist as being
      happy and having a good time dancing the night away which relates to the dance

Thursday 7 November 2013

Magazine advert analysis

1)    What is the purpose of a magazine advert?

      The purpose of a magazine article is to promote the specific artists song and the way the artist is represented.

Task 1:
Analyse the following magazine advert. Ensure that your analysis is detailed and that you have included excellent examples to support the points that you have made. Also relate back to the music conventions and the target audience.

·               Representation of music artist
·               Connotations of the advert
·               Colours
·               Design/layout
·               Choice of images
·               Typography
·               Style of language

·               How does the advert promote the music genre?
·               How does the advert promote the artist?

·               How does the advert attract an audience?

Task 2:
Analyse 2 magazine adverts, one for your chosen artist and one for a similar artist, using the same bullet points above.
Include a summary at the end of your blog to show how you will use your research to inform your planning and creating your own advert for your own artist.