Monday 18 November 2013


·       Why is it important to carry out a photoshoot, especially when creating a digipak and magazine advert?
v           It is important to carry out a photo shoot, especially when creating a digipak and magazine advert  because you can take a number of shots and pick which one you think the best is that gives you a lot of  options and you will be able to get inspirations from each one. You could even use part of one and join  it in with another one. The digipaks and magazine adverts are an important part of our coursework so it  is vital that we get the correct shots in the photo shoot otherwise it would be a waste of time.

        What images did you take and why? (Include a variety of shots that can be used)

       While our group was at a party we took various videos of myself dancing to try and get the best image possible. I then went through the videos and analysed what i thought the best shots would be. It came down to 2 or 3 shots that i could have used and had to choose which one i thought would represent the connotations of the Dance genre the best. At the start i was going to choose an image of myself at a graveyard with a bunch of flowers for my dead girlfriend however, if i put that as the front cover of my music advert it would look sad and probably wouldn't get many peoples attention or attract sales. Also the image didn't give off the effect that it was a dance song. This is when i realised the music advert should be a exciting and catch the audiences attention therefore, this is why i choose the image of me dancing with people around me.

        Where will you images be used and why? (Digipak or advert?)
           My image will be used on the music advert because as our song comes under the genre of dance and as  i have a photo of me dancing i therefore, thought it would be best to use it as the music advert. The music advert is where your going to get the audiences attention it needs to be lively and stand out from the rest if it is going to succeed. By it standing out creates attention and leads to the audience wanting to listening to the song, audiences don't want to look at bland and blunt music adverts because it wont entise them to have a look or listen to it. By the audience listening to the song generates sales for the company.

     How are your images conventional to your genre?
y    My images are conventional to the genre because the genre of my music video is dance therefore, the images of me dancing relates to my target audience because they will be able to identify with the artist.

     How do the images portray the artist and how does it appeal to your target audience?
·       Include one example of how you photoshop to create a conventional product (Include before and after images)

      The images portray the artist as being
      happy and having a good time dancing the night away which relates to the dance

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why a photoshop is essential to carry out. You have explained some of your points well and have considered the purpose of a dance music video well, but further discussion of how you used the images in photoshop is essential. Aim to include before and after images.
