Thursday 24 October 2013

Planning artist image

Why is an artists image important within a music video?

An artists image is important within a music video because it will determine weather or not the artist is going to make a lot of sales or not. The artist will need the general public to like them if they are to succeed. If the artist has a bad image then they are likely to generate less sales because if the artist is targeting a younger audience and they are publicly branded as doing something wrong the parents of the children will not want there sons or daughters listening to that specific artist. This therefore, means it is vital the artist presents a good image of themselves and stays out of trouble and the press for the wrong reasons. Artists will want to appeal to everyone and this could be there downfall therefore, the artist needs to choose a specific audience to target itself at and keep to the conventions of that specific genre.

How is your artist going to be represented in your music video? consider costumes, hair etc

The artist is being portrayed as the man in the music video who looses his girlfriend to a car crash. He will be represented as being extremely happy and very much in love with her when he is with and doing things with her e.g. going out to dinner, to the pub and just generally chilling with her. However, he is represented completely different when shes gone he is very upset and remorseful because he believes it was his fault for the car crash happening because they had just had an argument  and he texts her and she looks at her phone which takes away her concentration which leads to the crash. He is very upset when he has to visit the graveyard when she has been buried he is brought to tears through the sheer sadness that has happened he has lost a person he thought he could see himself with for a very long time.

How is the image conventional to your music genre?

The image is conventional to our music genre because it allows the audience to relate to the artist and what he goes through in the video. The sadness he experiences relates to the dance genre of when the dancing is slow paced and prolonged and the happy times relate to when the dancing has a quick rhythm and beat. This relates to the dance genre because the speed of dance always changes and is not kept to one particular pace.

What effect does this have with creating a relationship with your text?

Our artists image relates to our target audience because they will be able to recognise straight away what genre our video is through his image. The image of the artist is unknown and is blacked out behind a set of DJ decks performing live to tons of people this is conventional to the dance genre because the crowd is going wild and they are all on there feet dancing and shouting and all having a good time. The image also shows individualarity which however, is not common to the dance genre shows he is a strong character and a great performer.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in describing the purpose of an image in a music video, but you have not focused on the style of clothing that your artist will be wearing in the different scenes and the effect that this will have on your audience. This needs to be explored in more detail, to demonstrate further planning.

    Finally aim to include still images to support the points that you have made.
