Monday 21 October 2013

Planning Setting and Iconography

What is the purpose of setting and iconography?

The purpose of setting and iconography is to create a scene that the viewer can understand and believe. The audience wants to believe whats going on in the video that's why each setting you do needs to relate back to the story your trying to tell. Iconography is also important because it is the representation of something that has generic conventions with that specific genre. The genre dance refers to Pop and R&B types of music. You can tell what genre the music video is by how the music video is represented.

Include still images to support your points?

What settings will you include and why?

We started off our music video with the setting of a graveyard, we thought it was important to film in the graveyard because in our music video the boys girlfriend dies in a car crash therefore, we wanted to show the audience how upset he is and that he feels that it was his fault she died because she was driving just after she had a massive argument with him. The setting of the graveyard represents remorse and genuine sadness the boyfriend is completely heartbroken and would do anything to get her back he is extremely upset. We used the graveyard because we thought the audience would feel a sense of sadness and to understand that he loves her ever so much.

Another setting we used was the couple experiencing fun times together. The couple were filmed walking into the pub and having a few drinks together they were having a very romantic night, the setting of the pub looking over Canary Wharf portrays a sense of love and togetherness to show how much they mean to each other. The couple kiss and are having a laugh throughout with one another.

What iconography will you include and why?

The iconography that i will use is the flowers that i am taking to my girlfriends grave, they are red we used red flowers because the red flowers connote the feeling of sadness. We want the audience to feel sad because it creates more tension to the scene. Also the phones that are used by myself and Rhiannon when we are texting we use this because that is the reason why Rhiannon has a car crash and dies because she is concentrating on the phone.

How is your setting and iconography conventional, to your music genre?

Setting and iconography are conventional to my music genre because it informs the audience of where the video is taking place and what significance it has. When the setting is in the graveyard that will inform the audience that something bad has happened and will know it is a sad time in the song because it gives off the conotations of death, sadness and grief. However, when the couple are looking over the sights of London and having a romantic time shows the audience they love each other just through the setting that they are in it also gives off that the song is now in to a more cheerful and happy part.

How does it build a relationship with your target audience?

These settings will build a relationship with the target audience because throughout our music video it shows the ups and downs that life can bring you and how quickly something can change. The man was happily in love with his girlfriend until they have an argument she looses concentration cashes her car and dies this shows something can go within a matter of seconds and the audience can relate to this because it happens in everyday life. Also the audience can relate to the happier times the couple experienced together when they were in each others company and just having a good time with one another.

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates some planning techniques. You have made a start in explaining the different locations and iconography items that you would like to include within your music video, but you also need to refer your points back to the lyrics and genre of your music video, to demonstrate further planning.

    Also aim to include images, to support the points that you have made
