Wednesday 25 September 2013

Research in to Diverse singing music videos

I analysed two diverse music video directors. Chris cunningham is a british director and Michael Gondry is a french director. I analysed two videos from each director. Elements that make a music video unique are strong narrative, big celebrities, behaviour/cencorship and budgent spent.

Cunningham has previously worked with a big artist in Madonna and created the video Frozen which I happened to analyse, i also analysed the video Big Daddy by Aphex Twin.

I analysed the presentation, goodwins theory, structure and style and representation of the artist in
Aphex twin it is a dance music video but it is filmed as a short film and there is no main characters. Aphex Twin has the opposite characteristics to a dance video for example no club setting and no strobe. In the music video it is filmed on an estate which is dark and cold it comes across as it is a nightmare. A nanny appears in the video and she looks very scared she starts staring into a tv then out of no where these demented weird looking children came out of nowhere. Throughout the video there is fast paced editing.

Goodwins theory is not present in Come to daddy because it is completely different to the common elements of goodwins theory which makes the video diverse. There is no main artist and no cencorship. It does not appear on MTV and you would only see a video like this on home pages or youtube. There is also no big broadcasters involved. The structure and style of the video is 100% narrative, the narrative is about crazy looking children chasing the nanny. The music video has no conventions to dance video and appears like a scary short  film. There is no representation of an artist as there is no artist this also means there is no relationship to the audience aswell.

 The second video that i analysed was Frozen by Madonna in which i also analysed the presentation, goodwins theory, structure and style and representation of the artist. Frozen is represented as being a Gothic style video u can tell this through the bleached black hair and the all black clothing. In the video there is nothing around her her she is stranded on this island. Madonna all of a sudden turns into a black crow with eagles flying around her which further reiterates the video coming across as gothic. Yet again another Cunningham video goes against the reputation of goodwins theory because it doesn't follow the conventions of a pop video which it is supposed to be because Madonna is a pop artist. However in the video there was a relationship between  lyrics & visual though the dark characteristics that Madonna portrayed.

The structure and style of the video is 90% performance and 10% narrative as there is a dark atmosphere and Madonna turning into animals. Madonna is represented as being emotional and supposed to be part of the 1990's image however in this video she rebels against the conventions of a pop video. 

After i analysed two of Cunningham's videos i analysed two of Michael Gondrys videos. Gondry like Cunningham has worked with a big artist, Gondry has worked with Kylie Minouge and they produced the music video come into my world. Also like Cunninghams i analysed the Presentation, Goodwins theory, structure and style of the video and the representation of the artist. Come into my world is a pop video with lots of extras in. It is situated in a realistic location where everyone can identify the location. In the video the people in it are wearing everyday clothing which gives off an image which is appropriate to the target audience. 

Unlike Cunningham Gondry does have some Goodwins theory in both videos, in Come in to my world there is a relationship with visual & lyrics when Kylie says "come in to my world" another character comes into the scene. The structure and style is 90% performance and 10% narrative.

This is when there is a relationship
between visual and lyrics when she says "come in to my world" more people appear.

The second video i analysed from Gondry was Hardest button to button by White stripes. This video genre is Alternative Rock you can tell this through the long black hair on the characters and the dark colours which they are wearing (black and red). Also the video follows the conventions of a rock group because the music they are playing is fast paced and loud with lots of banging something you expect to see in a rock video. 
Unlike the other three videos i have analysed this video relates to Goodwins more than the others do through the characteristics of the video and the visual making the music for example when he is talking about a box he has a red box in his hand. The structure and the style of the video is 100% performance and 0% narrative and the representation of the artist is stereotypical to rock .

There are positives and negatives to every music videos not matter if they are diverse or not. The positives to diverse videos is that they are different to everything else. They also have a specific target audience which a big name artist may not have because they produce different genres of songs all the time therefore, by having diverse videos the target audience can relate to the video because they will remember it more. Also it tends to break conventions. Like any video there are going to be negatives, the negatives of diverse videos are that the target audience cant relate to the artist specifically because they will have no interest in him which makes the video unpopular.

Both Cunningham and Gondry produce diverse videos for a reason, they like to create something new although not everyone likes that. They have both worked with big artists in Madonna and Kylie Minogue respectively which shows they are very good and well known for there work. I do think Gondry refers more to goodwins theory in the videos we analysed compared to Cunningham's but that is just the difference in there styles.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of how diverse music videos appeal to an audience. You have selected the correct music videos, but you failed to include detailed examples and points from the music videos.

    To make this post more detailed, you need to-
    1) Refer back to your class notes and ensure that you have included the correct points
    2) Elaborate on the examples that you have included
    3) Include a summary to explain how your research will assist you with planning your own music video
