Tuesday 10 September 2013

Research into Music Cencorship

Do you think music videos should be censored?

Ofcom is the communications regulator. They regulate TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus the airways over which wireless devices operate. They make sure that people in the UK get the best from their communications services and are protected from scams. Ofcom operates under the Communications Act 2003. This detailed Act of Parliament spells out exactly what Ofcom should do. The Act says that Ofcoms general duties should be to further the interests of citizens and of consumers. Meeting these two duties is at the heart of Ofcom.

Lady Gaga, "Alejandro" 

This video wasn't completely banned; it was just played in the later hours on one of MTV's channels that actually play videos. This video was censored, because of the usual reasons: bondage, simulated sex, religious imagery, dudes in vinyl Nazi outfits and Gaga in a vinyl nun outfit. Ofcom would have made sure this was played in the later hours of the day because this is usually when younger children who shouldn't be watching this type of imagery are going to bed. It is Ofcoms job to make sure members of the public are not disturbed by the imagery or sound in this music video.

"S&M" by Rhianna

The second video i analysed was S&M by rhianna which also came under criticism  because of the sexually suggestive content in the video, MTV first restricted the video's airtime and later banned it altogether. Here is a picture of a man being gagged by a sex toy in the video. Ofcom had to intervene because this type of media should not be seen by young fans of Rhianna. Rhianna is popular all over the world which means she has different ages of fans and therefore it was to much of a risk for the music video to be shown because there is indecency throughout.

M.I.A. Paper planes

M.I.A. has been censored on many occasions for her indecent music. In 2007 her hit single "paper planes" was censored by MTV and on a late night talk show "late night with Dave Letterman" it was censored due to the gun shots in the rhythm track. M.I.A. posted a message on her My Space page over the weekend, calling out MTV for "sabotage" after the network apparently censored the video for her (excellent) song "Paper Planes." Another one of M.I.A.'s songs "born free" was censored due to a youth being rounded up and brutally murdered due to its violent content.

Eminem Debate 

In class we conducted a debate on Eminem there were various roles that each individual in the class undertook. The points of of view on weather music videos should be censored came from The artist himself, The fans, The Record label, Parents for, Parents against, British radio, MTV and AKA.

Eminem believes that his music videos should not be censored because he speaks the truth e.g. in his song "Not Afraid." Eminem had a hard life growing up where he had to live in a caravan, he also bases all his music on real life experiences and wants the world to know how he feels and not to go down the same path as him. His music is presented through an entertainment way e.g. in his rap battles when he makes the crowd laugh after he has "slewed" his opponent.

The fans of Eminem believe his music represents real life situations and that everyone should be able to relate to him. They believe Eminem educates young teenagers so they they do not go down the same route as him.

Slim shady records who are Eminem's record label state that he has sold millions of albums worldwide and should definitely not be censored because people love him all over the world. He has also won a Grammy and won album of the year with Marshall Mathers LP. That album sold 1.76 million copies in the US in its first week alone. By selling 1.76 million copies in a week shows he shouldn't be censored because he is rated and valued and that they do not care about his language in it and they like his songs no matter what. The album was certified diamond by the Recording Industry Association of America. As of 2012 the record had sold 10,589,000 copies in the US.

The parents that are for his music being censored state that his music uses explicit language and lyrics that offend people, they also believe he is encouraging younger people to listen to his music and telling them the wrong sort of words. They believe they could copy him which they do not think is a good idea,

The parents against his music being censored say that it is the parents own discretion to weather they let there children listen to this type of music or not and they can not blame the artist for the music as they know he is only doing his job to entertain and try a make a living. They also believe he is a role model because his music shows he has come from nothing to a massive superstar all over the world and therefore, if you try hard at something you will succeed.

Kiss 100 the british radio station said that they only agree with strong language being voiced in music videos and that they only play these certain types of songs after a certain time therefore, agree to music videos being censored but do disagree with censorship.

MTV the american music station agree to music videos being censored  because they have a good reputation to uphold and do not want to loose viewers therefore, they do not play his songs. MTV is the biggest music station in the word therefore, there views are understandable.

AKA believe that music videos represent the true artist and the lyrics being said and believe music videos shouldn't be censored.

Overall there is a mixed response some individuals are in favour of music videos being censored and some are not however, most people believe that music videos represent the true artist and the lyrics being said and believe music videos shouldn't be censored, I also believe this is the case.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what music censorship is. You have included a variety of examples to show your understanding of why censorship is important, but further discussion of the music videos and why they were censored are needed.

    You have also included a variety of points from the Eminem class debate, but you need to ensure that you have included both sides of the argument, in further detail.

    Finally aim to include a summary, to explain how you will follow the censorship law, within your own music video.
