Tuesday 17 September 2013

Research into music videos

In class we analysed two music videos together and one music video by ourselves, the two videos we analysed in class were Over by Drake and Club Cant Handle Us Right Now by Flo Rida. Music videos appeal to an audience because the audience get to see the song being played and what it represents. They can get an idea of what the song means and it allows them to watch something while the songs being played so that they do not get bored during the song but most importantly they can relate to the video. In the two videos we analysed Editing styles, Mise en scene and Camera shots.


First of all we analysed the camera shots in Over. The first one we found was a low angle shot this was evident when Drake was dancing while his lyrics are projected on the wall this makes him seem bigger and powerful therefore not loosing his significance with the shot, this camera shot represents drake as a new rap artist and the shadow represents his image. This relates to the rap genre as it defines his emotions/life that he has been through. The audience would be interested in watching the music video to find out more information about him. The second camera shot we analysed was a Mid shot in which alot of it focused on reflection possibly to portray two different sides of his personality or that he is looking back in time at his bad choices in life. An establishing shot was evident when the image of a city is in the background of the wall this shows his life is changing and how quick its happened. This relates to a story about his life to his fans.

We then analysed the editing that went on during Over, Colour fillers were used this was when all different colours were moving fast within the bedroom the colours were really bright and quick this shows his lifestyle. Relationship with lyrics and music was evident in the music video when we hear drake talking about the lyrics and relationship, this relates to goodwins theory.

The Mise-En-Scene of the video also appears to be conventional of a rap music video, Lighting goes from low key to high key frequently, and makes the audience feel on edge , which is what the artists intentionally wants the audience to feel. The setting in the bedroom is used as a stage to perform his music, where the past is played around him which draws the audience in and makes what he's singing more relevant. Clothing in the video changes frequently which is conventional, we noticed that he was wearing a red jacket and sometimes had his hood up this is his costume. The red from his jacket represents his anger and relates to him going from nothing to fame this gives away his body language and the colour red has connotations of pain and aguish which is what Drake is feeling throughout the song.

Club cant handle us right now

The camera shots in Club cant handle us right now played a vital role in this music video especially
Cinematography. The long shot focuses on lamborginis which displays the artists wealth and the artist appears materialistic. The Audience relates to this by idolising the objects that people within this club have, and this relates to the video via the lyrics of the club not being able to handle them. Another camera shot used is the mid shot which shows the artist in the club. Flo Rida is on a higher stage than everyone else this makes him appear as the main attraction and superior to everyone else. This is conventional of a dance track as the artist appears powerful and the centre of attention.

A "split screen" was evident in Club cant handle us right now when it is all calm and then goes busy when they are all in the club. This references the lyrics to club cant handle them, this is a convention of the dance genre because it shows them having a good time and they love to party. Another editing style that was used in Club Cant Handle Us Right Now was "visual relates to the music" this is evident by the pace of the video when the music is slow the pace is slow and when the music is quick the dancing gets quicker. The effects used were cross dissolve when the music is slow paced and straight cuts when the music was quick. This relates to the dange genre because the pace of the video helps portray the party atmosphere.

Mise en Scene was also evident in Club Cant Handle Us Right Now through the use of clothing this was evident when he had a gold chain and watch on this was used to show his money and power over everyone else. This is relevant to the dance genre because it shows that he likes to be the centre of attention. Another piece of MES used was lighting, low and high key lighting changed throughout to show the atmosphere in the club fun and energetic. This is relevant to the dance genre because it shows the audience there all having a good time enjoying themselves. Positioning of characters is another example of MES this is evident when Flo Rida was standing on the podium in the middle of the street he has the centre of attention because he is raised above everyone else and everyone is looking at him, this relates to the dance genre because shows he is centre of attention and artists like that.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of music genres. You have made a start in analysing two music videos, but further points on the micro elements and conventions are essential in demonstrating further understanding.

    You also need to include your third analysis and your summary points, to demonstrate further understanding of music genres.
