Tuesday 10 September 2013

What is a music video

Task- One Direction Little Things

The purpose of a music video is that it is a market tool to promote an artist/song, to attract a particular audience, to show generic conventions and for the audience to understand more about the song. I choose the music video Little Things that is performed by the boy band One Direction. One Direction are know known all over the world because they appeared on X factor and made it to the final and finished in 3rd place. One Direction are very popular with the ladies because the group consists of 5 young males aged from 19 - 21 this helps them to make sales because lots of girls love them.

The music video would have been of a relatively low budget because they are in a music studio and they are using their own instruments and singing themselves. They are not flying across the world going from destination to destination in the video they are just having a good time singing together. This promotes that you don't have to have the biggest budget to make something work but if you put your mind to it and you are determined you will succeed. 

Music videos are split up into 3 different categories;
  • ·      Performance  (singing/dancing) 
  • ·      Narrative        (telling the audience a story)
  • ·      Concept           (selling the audience an idea/ theme or ideology)

The purpose of the video is to show their inner feelings towards special people in there life. It is also to show that they are creative because they are using instruments throughout as well as singing. I choose it because I think the video offers something different to other music videos. They talk from there heart about past experiences that have happened and the audience like it because they can relate to the music video. They are also good role models because they show that if u want something in life and you work hard you can go out and achieve it.

The style of the music video is pop and the video is telling the audience a story of what love means to them. The target audience is mainly girls from the age of 10 to young adults who appreciate their style and type of music. The song performance is very slow paced because it is trying to get the audience into it and try and make them feel a connection with the song, it is also trying to give the point across of that you shouldn't take life to seriously because even though there talking about love and past experiences they are showing in the video that they stick together and are having a laugh together.

The music video appeals to the audience because the song is well thought out and they have made it themselves and have chosen which tune and beat to go with it. It also appeals to the audience because it is talking about love. One direction are well known all over the world which brings them a lot of publicity, many females are attracted to the band as well which also helps making sales. It also appeals to the audience because it is creative and they have planned out which group member suits each part because they know the strengths and weaknesses of each member.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a very basic understanding of what a music video is and this is because you have explored the points in enough detail and have only briefly included a short summary of the points.

    Refer back to the lesson and ensure that you have included the correct points throughout this post.
    1) The purpose of a music video
    2) The style
    3) The codes and conventions
    4) The target audience
